Vojtěch Ripka
+420 724 282 364
born 1979, married, 4 children (Jonatan, Hynek, Amos and Edna)
● History Teaching
● Evidence-based educational policy
● Methodology of Social Sciences
● Comparative Social Policy
● State Socialist Regimes in Central and Eastern Europe
● 2008–2013 PhD in Political Science, Faculty of Social Studies, Masaryk University (summa cum laude; dissertation: “Controlled by Social Policy? Housing Policy in Real-Existing Socialism Revisited”)
● 2004–2007 Mgr. in Political Science at the Political Science Department of the Faculty of Social Studies, Masaryk University
● 1999–2004 Bc. in Political Science, Social Politics, and Social Work at the Faculty of Social Studies, Masaryk University
● 2021 OSA Archivum at the CEU (20.9.-19.11.)
● 2010-2011 Department of Social Policy and Intervention, University of Oxford, UK (three trimesters; research and study visit under the supervision of Prof. Martin Seeleib-Kaiser- history of Social Policy)
● 2009 United States Holocaust Memorial Museum (three weeks internship)
● 2005-2006 Salford University, School of Social Studies, UK (autumn semester)
● 2023- National Pedagogical Institute, History Education Specialist
heading an evaluation unit of the History Plus Project.
● 2022- Anglo-American University, Adjunct Lecturer
teaching Research Methods in Social Science and Humanities, Introduction to Historiography, and Modern European History II.
● 2008–5/2023 Institute for the Study of Totalitarian Regimes
Senior researcher at the Department of Education
The Head of the Department of Education (2014–2021; evaluated by an external research assessment as the leading Department of the Institute)
The Head of the Department of Documentation (2009–2010; 2012–2014)
The Head of the Department of Research of the Totalitarian Regimes (2010–2012)
● 2003–2008 Agora Central Europe (www.agora-ce.cz)- analyst and coordinator of public events
● 2002–2005 ISEA think-tank, policy analyst
● The principal author of 5 thematic archival material-based data sets (stored in the Czech Social Science Data Archive)
● Editor of special issues of academic journals (Marginalia Historica 2/2019 and the upcoming History - Theory - Criticism 2/2022)
● Member of the Nep 4 Dissent research group (funded by COST Action (CA 16213) funded by the Horizon 2020 Framework Programme of the European Union)
● Quantitative survey principal manager (Contemporary history at Czech primary and secondary schools, with Factum Invenio, 2010-2011)
● An external opponent of about 20 Bachelor theses (Faculty of Social Studies, Masaryk University)
● Reviewer of Pedagogika, Politologický časopis, Politologická revue, Pedagogická orientace, Securitas Imperii, Schola Historica
● Czech representative at the Future of European Welfare Systems research group (2008-2018; under the supervision of Prof. Klaus Schubert, Münster University)
● Member of Czechoslovak Studies Association
● Member of the CSPA (Czech Political Science Association)
● 2009-2020 Member of Editorial Board at Paměť a dějiny
● Adjunct lecturer at the Anglo-American University, Prague (from 8/2022; Modern European History course; Research methods and Introduction to Historiography from spring 2023 )
● Lecturing for history teachers and social science teachers (2008–present); over 50 seminars with more than 1500 participants (Czech Republic, Slovakia, Lithuania, Albania, Germany, )
● SIT World Learning History and Social Science lecturer (2008-2015)
● Prague-based lectures for Harvard University, University of Washington, Anglo-American University, La Sorbonne, University of Oxford
● Invited lectures at the Faculty of Social Science at Masaryk University in Brno; Faculty of Arts at Masaryk University in Brno; Faculty of Education at Charles University in Prague; Harvard University Summer School in Prague; East and Central European Studies Summer School, UK; New York University in Prague
● 2020-2021 Visegrad Scholarship at OSA Archivum, Visegrad International Fund and Central European University
● 2018–present Historylab: using technology to develop historical thinking - TL01000046 (Technology Agency of the Czech Republic; investigator responsible for the testing and for receiving feedback from teachers and students)
● 2018–2020 Opening up Historiana; under Euroclio; head of Czech team (2017-EU-IA-0180 Europeana)
● 2017–2018 Antisemitism and antigypsyism in Czechia - EVZ 32.5.1C08.0033.0 (Erinnerung, Verantwortung und Zukunft Foundation, Germany–co-investigator)
● 2015–2017 Innovations in history teaching: the development of a digital tool to work with historical sources - TAČR TD03000063 (Czech Technological Agency- co-grantee in charge of testing in schools and quantitative dataset building)
● 2014–2016 History and Media/Media and History: Educating Creatively, Active European Remembrance, EACEA ref. 556530 (Project leader)
● 2011-2012 Dean’s Extraordinary Fellowship, Faculty of Social Studies, Masaryk University
● 2009–2010 20 Years After Central and Eastern European Communist Regimes as a Shared Legacy, Active European Remembrance, EACEA, ref. 160431–principal investigator
● 2007–2008 Central Europe in Debate; Agora CE (nominated for the “Golden Star” prize from the European Commission), Active European Remembrance, EACEA, ref.CSP-2007-146–principal investigator
● 2004–2006 Czech Youth Policy, 4H Foundation (co-investigator, policy analyst)
● SKAV ÚSTR representative [Standing Conference of Educational Associations] (2014-2023)
● IHRA Czech delegation member (2015-)
● Euroclio-associated member representative (2016-2023)
● Forum Dějiny ve veřejném prostoru: česká společnost a historický výročí 2018 and 2020 (chairman of the programme committee)
● The commodification of History: The Past as Source of Entertainment and Commerce, Imre Kertész Kolleg, Jena / Institute for the Study of Totalitarianism (ÚSTR), Prague 2018
● School x Memory: CONFLICT, IDENTITY, COEXISTENCE (CENTRAL EUROPE), Prague 2014 (chairman of the organisational committee)
● 20 Years After Central and Eastern European Communist Regimes as a Shared Legacy (chairman of the programme committee)
● MS Office, Google Suite- experienced user
● Dataset building
● Qualitative and quantitative methods and techniques
● IBM SPSS- experienced user
● English C2 (TOEFL 104 in 2010)
● German A2
● French B1
● Slovak B1
BIBLIOGRAPHY (selection)
● MAŠKOVÁ, Tereza - RIPKA, Vojtěch. Železná opona v Československu: Usmrcení na československých státních hranicích v letech 1948–1989, Ústav pro studium totalitních režimů : Sociologický ústav AV ČR, v.v.i., 2015 197 s. ISBN 978-80-87912-31-7
● KOUTSKÁ, Ivana – RIPKA, Vojtěch. – ŽÁČEK, Pavel (eds): Občanské fórum, den první. Vznik OF v dokumentech a fotografiích. ÚSTR – Městská část Praha 1, Praha 2009, 192 s.
● RIPKA, Vojtěch - TUREK, Matěj - VITÁSKOVÁ, Anna. Czech Youth Policy 2006. : 4-H Foundation and ISEA, 2006
● VITÁSKOVÁ, Anna – RIPKA, Vojtěch. – TUREK, Matěj. A Report on Contemporary Czech Youth Policy in the Czech Republic. 4-H foundation and ISEA, 2005.
Chapters in Monographs
● RIPKA, Vojtěch (in press) Taking Mediality Seriously: Relationships to the Past in Action” in PAIREDER, Bettina - ECKER, Alois (eds): Historical Consciousness, Historical Thinking, Historical Culture, Graz University press
● RIPKA, Vojtěch - SÝKOROVÁ, Pavla - MÜNICH, Jiří - CHVOJKA, Edita: Epistemic Cognition Triangulated: What Can We Learn about the Theory of Epistemic
Beliefs in History from Reassessment of its Measurement?, in ZANAZANIAN, Paul - ELMERSJÖ, Henrik Åström (eds.): History teachers’ epistemic considerations (in print, Palgrave- Springer, 2023)
● RIPKA, Vojtěch - HOŘENÍ, Karina, ‘Anti- Communist Resistance in Didactical Perspective’, in Violent Resistance. From the Baltics to Central and South Eastern Europe 1945-1956., ed. by David Schriffl and Michael Gehler (Vienna: ÖAW, 2020), pp. 40–80
● RIPKA, Vojtěch, HOŘENÍ, Karina „Odboj a odpor jako výzkumné téma - inspirace pro cestu pod povrch". In Třetí odboj v didaktické perspektivě, editoval Jaroslav Pinkas, 17–48. Dějiny v diskuzi. Praha: ÚSTR a NLN, 2020.
● RIPKA, Vojtěch - HOŘENÍ, Karina, ‘Průběh a výstupy testování aplikace HistoryLab.cz’, in NAJBERT, Jaroslav (ed.) Promýšlet dějepis v 21. století: Digitální aplikace pro práci s prameny HistoryLab.cz, (Praha: Ústav pro studium totalitních režimů, 2017) <https://historylab.cz/metodika/>
● RIPKA, Vojtěch. - Mareš, Miroslav. Czech Republic: The Awakening of the politics of Welfare in Schubert, Klaus; Villota Gil-Escoin, Paloma; Kuhlmann, Johanna (eds.) (2016): Current Challenges to European Welfare Systems. New York: Springer Publishing.
● RIPKA, Vojtěch - Mareš, Miroslav, The Czech welfare system. In Schubert, Klaus - Hegelich, Simon - Bazant, Ursula. The Handbook of European Welfare Systems. London, New York: Routledge, 2009. od s. 101-119, 18 s. ISBN 978-0-415-48275-2.
Edited volumes and special issues of journals
● RIPKA, Vojtěch - ČINÁTL, Kamil (eds.; in print) Inventura paměti [Inventory of Memory- special issue], History - Theory - Criticism, 12, no. 2/2022 (ISSN 2464-5370)
● RIPKA, Vojtěch - SKLENÁŘ, Michal (eds.) Dějiny ve veřejném prostoru- Česká společnost a historická výročí [Public History- Czech Society and the commemoration of historical anniversaries special issue] Marginalia Historica 10, no. 2/2019 (ISSN 1804-5367)
● Monotematické číslo časopisu vydávaného Katedrou dějin a didaktiky dějepisu PedF UK vychází z fóra Dějiny ve veřejném prostoru. Česká společnost a historická výročí,
● RIPKA, Vojtěch, ed. Twenty Years After: International Conference = Dvacet Let Poté: Mezinárodní Konference. Elektronický zdroj. Praha: Ústav pro studium totalitních režimů, 2010.
Peer-reviewed articles
● RIPKA, Vojtěch - SÝKOROVÁ, Pavla: Epistemická přesvědčení v dějepise, Historie- otázky-problémy 2/2023, přijato
● BUREŠ, Miroslav – RIPKA, Vojtěch – BUREŠOVÁ, Karolina – FRAJTÁK, Karel – MAHA, Jiří – ČINÁTL, Kamil: An Analysis of the Experience of Using Innovative E-learning Support for Modern History Distance Learning During the COVID-19 Lockdown, Sustainability 14(6), (2022), DOI: https://doi.org/10.3390/su14063631
● RIPKA, Vojtěch - NAJBERT, Jaroslav - ČINÁTL, Kamil, ‘Historická gramotnost v aplikaci HistoryLab: realistický přístupu k osvojování didaktické teorie dějepisu’, Historie-Otázky-Problémy, 2/2021 (accepted)
● RIPKA, Vojtěch - NAJBERT, Jaroslav - PÝCHA, Čeněk - PINKAS, Jaroslav -
ČINÁTL, Kamil, ‘Digitální technologie ve výuce dějepisu a dalších společenskovědních Předmětů’, Marginalia Historica, 8 (2017), 25–40
● RIPKA, Vojtěch. Socialism Realised. In: Public History Weekly 5 (2017) 19, DOI: dx.doi.org/10.1515/phw-2017-9294.
● RIPKA, Vojtěch. Between Scholarly Research and Symbolic Transitional Justice Approaching the Czech Communist Regime Today. Central European Political Science Review, Vol. 15. Nr. 55. Spring 2014
● RIPKA, Vojtěch. (2006). Ideal Types in Political Marketing, Politologický časopis, 2006, č.4, s. 439–447
● Editorial team. HistoryLab.cz – digital application for history (educational software). Accessible online: www.historylab.cz; part of the awarded Soudobé dějiny - badatelský dějepis” educational tool (silver medal of the Best European Learning Materials Awards in 2022)
● Editorial team. Socialism Realised. Life in Communist Czechoslovakia 1948-1989 [educational application]. Prague: Institute For the Study of Totalitarian Regimes, 2016. Accessible online: https://www.socialismrealised.eu
● Editorial team. The Victims of the Occupation 1968. Accessible online: (https://obetiokupace.dejepis21.cz/)
● Editorial team. This Century at School. Czech television, 2018. Accessible online: https://www.ceskatelevize.cz/specialy/totostoleti#/ve-skole.
● Editorial team. Killings on the Czechoslovak Border - online map. Usmrcení na československé hranici- elektronická mapa. Accessible online: https://mapa.zelezna-opona.cz/
● Editorial team: History in the 21st century. Accessible online: http://www.dejepis21.cz/dejepis-v-21-stoleti
● Over 25 articles in Czech media about memory politics, British politics, and education policies (Hospodářské noviny, Lidové noviny, Respekt, Aktualne.cz, A2)
● RIPKA, Vojtěch: Mediality and Digital Environment as the Connection to the Life-worlds of Students, Second Forum on History Education “History Education in Digital Age” Brussels, Council of Europe, 2023
● RIPKA, Vojtěch - SÝKOROVÁ, Pavla - MÜNICH, Jiří - CHVOJKA, Edita: From supported practice and theoretical language to epistemic beliefs and back: History + intervention. History teachers’ epistemic considerations: A symposium on how teachers make sense of history, Umeå, Sweden, 2022
● RIPKA, Vojtěch: Establishing Ties with the Worlds of Students: Evidence-based approach to State Socialist History of Czechoslovakia (presented at BASEES, Cambridge University, 2022)
● RIPKA, Vojtěch: Beyond the Disciplinarity of Historical Thinking with Textbooks? Pursuing Use-of-History Aims on Examplar Activities with Textbooks, Teaching History Conference, UC Davies 2021
● RIPKA, Vojtěch: Taking Mediality Seriously: Using Dynamic Literacy in Inquiry-Based Learning, The Graz Conference 2020
● RIPKA, Vojtěch: HistoryLab: An online learning environment developing
students’ historical literacy, HEIRNET, Vienna 2019
● RIPKA, Vojtěch, ‘Historical Memory in History Education: Socialism Realised’, ASEEES Annual Convention, Boston 2018
● RIPKA, Vojtěch - HOŘENÍ, Karina, ‘HistoryLab CZ- Developing an Online Learning Environment’ (presented at the Meaning, Thinking and Learning in History, Jyväskylä, Finland, 2017) <https://teho2017en.wordpress.com/>
● RIPKA, Vojtěch, ‘Socialism Realised: An Online Learning Environment’ (presented at the Teaching History, UC Berkeley, 2017) <http://ucbhssp.berkeley.edu/teachinghistory>
● RIPKA, Vojtěch, ‘How Does Revolution Work? The Role of Freedom, Resistance and Civil Movements in European Transformation Processes.’ (presented at the Korber History Forum., Berlin, 2016)
● RIPKA, Vojtěch. La politique d´archives de la République Tchèque: Une perspective comparative. (presented at Le succès de la transition démocratique les expériences de la Pologne et de la République Tchèque, Tunis, June 2014.)
● RIPKA, Vojtěch. Awakening of Politics of Welfare- The Czech Welfare System 2007-2012. (presented at the European Welfare Systems Conference “Current challenges to European Welfare Systems”, 11–13 April 2013, Siegen. 2013.)
● RIPKA, Vojtěch. A tortuous way towards communism, (presented at the Crisis. Interruptions, Reactions and Continuities in Central and Eastern Europe, School of Slavonic Studies and East European Studies, University College London 2012.)
● RIPKA, Vojtěch. Legitimation by welfare in ‘real existing socialism’. (presented at the Conference of the Department of Social Policy and Intervention, University of Oxford. 2011.)
● RIPKA, Vojtěch. Welfare state without liberal democracy? The case of late communist Czechoslovakia. (presented at the ECPR Graduate Conference 2010.)
● RIPKA, Vojtěch. The Social Policy of the Normalized Czechoslovakia: Sources and Methods. (presented at the First Central European Conference of Doctoral Students of Politics, European Studies and International Relations. 2009).