Vojtek Ripka

YouTube Speach

Vojtěch Ripka



+420 724 282 364


born 1979, married, 4 children (Jonatan, Hynek, Amos and Edna)



       History Teaching

       Evidence-based educational policy

       Methodology of Social Sciences

       Comparative Social Policy

       State Socialist Regimes in Central and Eastern Europe



       2008–2013      PhD in Political Science, Faculty of Social Studies, Masaryk University (summa cum laude; dissertation: “Controlled by Social Policy? Housing Policy in Real-Existing Socialism Revisited”)

       2004–2007      Mgr. in Political Science at the Political Science Department of the Faculty of Social Studies, Masaryk University

       1999–2004      Bc. in Political Science, Social Politics, and Social Work at the Faculty of Social Studies, Masaryk University


       2021 OSA Archivum at the CEU (20.9.-19.11.)

       2010-2011 Department of Social Policy and Intervention, University of Oxford, UK (three trimesters; research and study visit under the supervision of Prof. Martin Seeleib-Kaiser- history of Social Policy)

       2009 United States Holocaust Memorial Museum (three weeks internship)

       2005-2006 Salford University, School of Social Studies, UK (autumn semester)



       2023-               National Pedagogical Institute, History Education Specialist

heading an evaluation unit of the History Plus Project.

       2022-               Anglo-American University, Adjunct Lecturer

teaching Research Methods in Social Science and Humanities, Introduction to Historiography, and Modern European History II.

       2008–5/2023   Institute for the Study of Totalitarian Regimes

Senior researcher at the Department of Education

The Head of the Department of Education (2014–2021; evaluated by an external research assessment as the leading Department of the Institute)

The Head of the Department of Documentation (2009–2010; 2012–2014)

The Head of the Department of Research of the Totalitarian Regimes (2010–2012)

       2003–2008                  Agora Central Europe (www.agora-ce.cz)- analyst and coordinator of public events

       2002–2005                  ISEA think-tank, policy analyst




       The principal author of 5 thematic archival material-based data sets (stored in  the Czech Social Science Data Archive)

       Editor of special issues of academic journals (Marginalia Historica 2/2019 and the upcoming History - Theory - Criticism 2/2022)

       Member of the Nep 4 Dissent research group (funded by COST Action (CA 16213) funded by the Horizon 2020 Framework Programme of the European Union)

       Quantitative survey principal manager (Contemporary history at Czech primary and secondary schools, with Factum Invenio, 2010-2011)

       An external opponent of about 20 Bachelor theses (Faculty of Social Studies, Masaryk University)

       Reviewer of Pedagogika, Politologický časopis, Politologická revue, Pedagogická orientace, Securitas Imperii, Schola Historica

       Czech representative at the Future of European Welfare Systems research group (2008-2018; under the supervision of Prof. Klaus Schubert, Münster University)

       Member of Czechoslovak Studies Association

       Member of the CSPA (Czech Political Science Association)

       2009-2020 Member of Editorial Board at Paměť a dějiny



       Adjunct lecturer at the Anglo-American University, Prague (from 8/2022; Modern European History course; Research methods and Introduction to Historiography from spring 2023 )

       Lecturing for history teachers and social science teachers  (2008–present); over 50 seminars with more than 1500 participants (Czech Republic, Slovakia, Lithuania, Albania, Germany, )

       SIT World Learning History and Social Science lecturer (2008-2015)

       Prague-based lectures for Harvard University, University of Washington, Anglo-American University, La Sorbonne, University of Oxford

       Invited lectures at the Faculty of Social Science at Masaryk University in Brno; Faculty of Arts at Masaryk University in Brno; Faculty of Education at Charles University in Prague; Harvard University Summer School in Prague; East and Central European Studies Summer School, UK; New York University in Prague



       2020-2021  Visegrad Scholarship at OSA Archivum, Visegrad International Fund and Central European University

       2018–present Historylab: using technology to develop historical thinking - TL01000046 (Technology Agency of the Czech Republic; investigator responsible for the testing and for receiving feedback from teachers and students)

       2018–2020      Opening up Historiana; under Euroclio; head of Czech team (2017-EU-IA-0180 Europeana)

       2017–2018      Antisemitism and antigypsyism in Czechia  - EVZ 32.5.1C08.0033.0 (Erinnerung, Verantwortung und Zukunft Foundation, Germany–co-investigator)

       2015–2017      Innovations in history teaching: the development of a digital tool to work with historical sources - TAČR TD03000063 (Czech Technological Agency- co-grantee in charge of testing in schools and quantitative dataset building)

       2014–2016      History and Media/Media and History: Educating Creatively, Active European Remembrance, EACEA ref. 556530 (Project leader)

       2011-2012 Dean’s Extraordinary Fellowship, Faculty of Social Studies, Masaryk University

       2009–2010      20 Years After Central and Eastern European Communist Regimes as a Shared Legacy, Active European Remembrance, EACEA, ref. 160431–principal investigator

       2007–2008      Central Europe in Debate; Agora CE (nominated for the “Golden Star” prize from the European Commission), Active European Remembrance, EACEA, ref.CSP-2007-146–principal investigator

       2004–2006      Czech Youth Policy, 4H Foundation (co-investigator, policy analyst)


       SKAV ÚSTR representative [Standing Conference of Educational Associations] (2014-2023)

       IHRA Czech delegation member (2015-)

       Euroclio-associated member representative (2016-2023)

       Forum Dějiny ve veřejném prostoru: česká společnost a historický výročí 2018 and 2020 (chairman of the programme committee)

       The commodification of History: The Past as Source of Entertainment and Commerce, Imre Kertész Kolleg, Jena / Institute for the Study of Totalitarianism (ÚSTR), Prague 2018

       School x Memory: CONFLICT, IDENTITY, COEXISTENCE (CENTRAL EUROPE), Prague 2014 (chairman of the organisational committee)

       20 Years After Central and Eastern European Communist Regimes as a Shared Legacy (chairman of the programme committee)


       MS Office, Google Suite- experienced user

       Dataset building

       Qualitative and quantitative methods and techniques

       IBM SPSS- experienced user


       English              C2 (TOEFL 104 in 2010)

       German           A2

       French              B1

       Slovak              B1


 BIBLIOGRAPHY (selection)


       MAŠKOVÁ, Tereza - RIPKA, Vojtěch. Železná opona v Československu: Usmrcení na československých státních hranicích v letech 1948–1989, Ústav pro studium totalitních režimů : Sociologický ústav AV ČR, v.v.i., 2015 197 s. ISBN 978-80-87912-31-7

       KOUTSKÁ, Ivana – RIPKA, Vojtěch. – ŽÁČEK, Pavel (eds): Občanské fórum, den první. Vznik OF v dokumentech a fotografiích. ÚSTR – Městská část Praha 1, Praha 2009, 192 s.

       RIPKA, Vojtěch - TUREK, Matěj - VITÁSKOVÁ, Anna. Czech Youth Policy 2006. : 4-H Foundation and ISEA, 2006

       VITÁSKOVÁ, Anna – RIPKA, Vojtěch. – TUREK, Matěj. A Report on Contemporary Czech Youth Policy in the Czech Republic. 4-H foundation and ISEA, 2005.

Chapters in Monographs

       RIPKA, Vojtěch (in press) Taking Mediality Seriously: Relationships to the Past in Action” in PAIREDER, Bettina - ECKER, Alois (eds): Historical Consciousness, Historical Thinking, Historical Culture, Graz University press

       RIPKA, Vojtěch - SÝKOROVÁ, Pavla - MÜNICH, Jiří - CHVOJKA, Edita: Epistemic Cognition Triangulated: What Can We Learn about the Theory of Epistemic

Beliefs in History from Reassessment of its Measurement?, in ZANAZANIAN, Paul  -  ELMERSJÖ, Henrik Åström (eds.): History teachers’ epistemic considerations (in print, Palgrave- Springer, 2023)

       RIPKA, Vojtěch - HOŘENÍ, Karina, ‘Anti- Communist Resistance in Didactical Perspective’, in Violent Resistance. From the Baltics to Central and South Eastern Europe 1945-1956., ed. by David Schriffl and Michael Gehler (Vienna: ÖAW, 2020), pp. 40–80

       RIPKA, Vojtěch, HOŘENÍ, Karina „Odboj a odpor jako výzkumné téma - inspirace pro cestu pod povrch". In Třetí odboj v didaktické perspektivě, editoval Jaroslav Pinkas, 17–48. Dějiny v diskuzi. Praha: ÚSTR a NLN, 2020.

       RIPKA, Vojtěch - HOŘENÍ, Karina, ‘Průběh a výstupy testování aplikace HistoryLab.cz’, in NAJBERT, Jaroslav (ed.) Promýšlet dějepis v 21. století: Digitální aplikace pro práci s prameny HistoryLab.cz, (Praha: Ústav pro studium totalitních režimů, 2017) <https://historylab.cz/metodika/>

       RIPKA, Vojtěch. - Mareš, Miroslav. Czech Republic: The Awakening of the politics of Welfare in Schubert, Klaus; Villota Gil-Escoin, Paloma; Kuhlmann, Johanna (eds.) (2016): Current Challenges to European Welfare Systems. New York: Springer Publishing.

       RIPKA, Vojtěch - Mareš, Miroslav, The Czech welfare system. In Schubert, Klaus - Hegelich, Simon - Bazant, Ursula. The Handbook of European Welfare Systems. London, New York: Routledge, 2009. od s. 101-119, 18 s. ISBN 978-0-415-48275-2.

Edited volumes and special issues of journals

       RIPKA, Vojtěch - ČINÁTL, Kamil (eds.; in print) Inventura paměti [Inventory of Memory- special issue], History - Theory - Criticism, 12, no. 2/2022 (ISSN  2464-5370)

       RIPKA, Vojtěch -  SKLENÁŘ, Michal (eds.) Dějiny ve veřejném prostoru- Česká společnost a historická výročí [Public History- Czech Society and the commemoration of historical anniversaries special issue] Marginalia Historica 10, no. 2/2019 (ISSN 1804-5367)

       Monotematické číslo časopisu vydávaného Katedrou dějin a didaktiky dějepisu PedF UK vychází z fóra Dějiny ve veřejném prostoru. Česká společnost a historická výročí,

       RIPKA, Vojtěch, ed. Twenty Years After: International Conference = Dvacet Let Poté: Mezinárodní Konference. Elektronický zdroj. Praha: Ústav pro studium totalitních režimů, 2010.


Peer-reviewed articles

       RIPKA, Vojtěch - SÝKOROVÁ, Pavla: Epistemická přesvědčení v dějepise, Historie- otázky-problémy 2/2023, přijato

       BUREŠ, Miroslav – RIPKA, Vojtěch – BUREŠOVÁ, Karolina – FRAJTÁK, Karel – MAHA, Jiří – ČINÁTL, Kamil: An Analysis of the Experience of Using Innovative E-learning Support for Modern History Distance Learning During the COVID-19 Lockdown, Sustainability 14(6), (2022), DOI: https://doi.org/10.3390/su14063631

       RIPKA, Vojtěch - NAJBERT, Jaroslav - ČINÁTL, Kamil, ‘Historická gramotnost v aplikaci HistoryLab: realistický přístupu k osvojování didaktické teorie dějepisu’, Historie-Otázky-Problémy, 2/2021 (accepted)

       RIPKA, Vojtěch - NAJBERT, Jaroslav - PÝCHA, Čeněk - PINKAS, Jaroslav -

ČINÁTL, Kamil, ‘Digitální technologie ve výuce dějepisu a dalších společenskovědních Předmětů’, Marginalia Historica, 8 (2017), 25–40

       RIPKA, Vojtěch. Socialism Realised. In: Public History Weekly 5 (2017) 19, DOI: dx.doi.org/10.1515/phw-2017-9294.

       RIPKA, Vojtěch. Between Scholarly Research and Symbolic Transitional Justice Approaching the Czech Communist Regime Today. Central European Political Science Review, Vol. 15. Nr. 55. Spring 2014

       RIPKA, Vojtěch. (2006). Ideal Types in Political Marketing, Politologický časopis, 2006, č.4, s. 439–447




       Editorial team. HistoryLab.cz – digital application for history (educational software). Accessible online: www.historylab.cz; part of the awarded Soudobé dějiny - badatelský dějepis” educational tool (silver medal of the Best European Learning Materials Awards in 2022)

       Editorial team.  Socialism Realised. Life in Communist Czechoslovakia 1948-1989 [educational application]. Prague: Institute For the Study of Totalitarian Regimes, 2016. Accessible online: https://www.socialismrealised.eu

       Editorial team. The Victims of the Occupation 1968. Accessible online: (https://obetiokupace.dejepis21.cz/)

       Editorial team. This Century at School. Czech television, 2018. Accessible online: https://www.ceskatelevize.cz/specialy/totostoleti#/ve-skole.

       Editorial team. Killings on the Czechoslovak Border - online map. Usmrcení na československé hranici- elektronická mapa. Accessible online: https://mapa.zelezna-opona.cz/

       Editorial team: History in the 21st century. Accessible online: http://www.dejepis21.cz/dejepis-v-21-stoleti




       Over 25 articles in Czech media about memory politics, British politics, and education policies (Hospodářské noviny, Lidové noviny, Respekt, Aktualne.cz, A2)



       RIPKA, Vojtěch: Mediality and Digital Environment as the Connection to the Life-worlds of Students, Second Forum on History Education “History Education in Digital Age” Brussels, Council of Europe, 2023

       RIPKA, Vojtěch - SÝKOROVÁ, Pavla - MÜNICH, Jiří - CHVOJKA, Edita: From supported practice and theoretical language to epistemic beliefs and back: History + intervention. History teachers’ epistemic considerations: A symposium on how teachers make sense of history, Umeå, Sweden, 2022

       RIPKA, Vojtěch: Establishing Ties with the Worlds of Students: Evidence-based approach to State Socialist History of Czechoslovakia (presented at BASEES, Cambridge University, 2022)

       RIPKA, Vojtěch: Beyond the Disciplinarity of Historical Thinking with Textbooks? Pursuing Use-of-History Aims on Examplar Activities with Textbooks, Teaching History Conference, UC Davies 2021

       RIPKA, Vojtěch: Taking Mediality Seriously: Using Dynamic Literacy in Inquiry-Based Learning, The Graz Conference 2020

       RIPKA, Vojtěch: HistoryLab: An online learning environment developing

students’ historical literacy, HEIRNET, Vienna 2019

       RIPKA, Vojtěch, ‘Historical Memory in History Education: Socialism Realised’, ASEEES Annual Convention, Boston 2018

       RIPKA, Vojtěch - HOŘENÍ, Karina, ‘HistoryLab CZ- Developing an Online Learning Environment’ (presented at the Meaning, Thinking and Learning in History, Jyväskylä, Finland, 2017) <https://teho2017en.wordpress.com/>

       RIPKA, Vojtěch, ‘Socialism Realised: An Online Learning Environment’ (presented at the Teaching History, UC Berkeley, 2017) <http://ucbhssp.berkeley.edu/teachinghistory>

       RIPKA, Vojtěch, ‘How Does Revolution Work? The Role of Freedom, Resistance and Civil  Movements in European Transformation Processes.’ (presented at the Korber History Forum., Berlin, 2016)

       RIPKA, Vojtěch. La politique d´archives de la République Tchèque: Une perspective comparative. (presented at Le succès de la transition démocratique les expériences de la Pologne et de la République Tchèque, Tunis, June 2014.)

       RIPKA, Vojtěch. Awakening of Politics of Welfare- The Czech Welfare System 2007-2012. (presented at the European Welfare Systems Conference “Current challenges to European Welfare Systems”, 11–13 April 2013, Siegen. 2013.)

       RIPKA, Vojtěch. A tortuous way towards communism, (presented at the Crisis. Interruptions, Reactions and Continuities in Central and Eastern Europe, School of Slavonic Studies and East European Studies, University College London 2012.)

       RIPKA, Vojtěch. Legitimation by welfare in ‘real existing socialism’. (presented at the Conference of the Department of Social Policy and Intervention, University of Oxford. 2011.)

       RIPKA, Vojtěch. Welfare state without liberal democracy? The case of late communist Czechoslovakia. (presented at the ECPR Graduate Conference 2010.)

       RIPKA, Vojtěch. The Social Policy of the Normalized Czechoslovakia: Sources and Methods. (presented at the First Central European Conference of Doctoral Students of Politics, European Studies and International Relations. 2009).