Director of Research Centre, Nation’s Memory Institute, Slovak Republic
(1983) studied history at the Faculty of Arts at the University of Trnava. He earned PhD. degree in 2009. Since 2009 worked as a researcher at the Nationʼs Memory Institute. He served as a director of the Department of the scientific research at tne Nationʼs Memory Institute since 2018. His research is focused on the Slovak history in the 20th century, especially on year 1968 in Slovakia, period of so called normalization (70s and 80s), fall of the communist regime in Slovakia and activities of the Slovak political exile in 70s and 80s. He is an author of the monograph Vasil Biľak. Treator or collaborator? (2017) and co-author of the monographs Following the Footspets of Iron Felix History of State Security in Slovakia 1945-1989 (2012) and From a totalitarian regime to democracy. Gentle Revolution in Slovakia (2019). He is an editor of the several conference proceedings and an author of the papers published in Slovakia and abroad, mostly at the journal Memory of Nation. He is a co-author of the varios exhibitions focused on the modern history of Slovakia (including several exhibitions about the Fall of the communism, Candle manifestation in 1988, August 1968 or Anti-Communist Ressistance in Slovakia).